Why Every Entrepreneur Needs the Right Kind of Protein for Breakfast

Why Every Entrepreneur Needs the Right Kind of Protein for Breakfast

Health & Lifestyle

Karen Aroney

Karen Aroney

446 week ago — 5 min read

Entrepreneurs often face a lot of difficulties with their health due to work. The life of an entrepreneur and business owner is very time consuming, often not allowing time for exercise and preparing healthy meals at home. Your career or business is your ultimate priority, but it’s also important to find a healthy lifestyle that works with your demanding schedule, otherwise you may find yourself at risk of health issues from fatigue to stroke. You need to be thriving in order for your business to do the same.


There are ways to maintain a healthy business along with personal health and nutrition. One step towards a healthy lifestyle is incorporating a protein rich diet into your everyday eating routine.


Why Should I Eat Protein?


Protein is a macronutrient, and the body needs substantial amounts of it. Unlike fats and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein that it can draw from when it needs a new supply. Instead, you must constantly supply your body with adequate amounts.  Your body uses protein for building and repairing tissues, and it’s a building block for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. This doesn’t mean that you need to eat protein all day long, but simply that you need to eat it from the best food sources possible.


Protein has a lot of health benefits including reducing appetite and hunger levels, increasing muscle mass and strength, and boosting metabolism and fat burning. For entrepreneurs who don’t have a lot of time for eating throughout the day, high protein meals (especially at breakfast) can help provide you with energy and fullness to keep you going for hours. It is also good for the metabolism, keeping your body burning fat all day long and reducing cravings for junk food so that you don’t mindlessly eat junk and processed foods.


When it comes to the benefits of eating a high protein diet, opt for plant based sources of protein. Plant based protein sources are low in saturated fats, free of growth hormones and antibiotics found in animal proteins, are alkaline forming and easier to digest, and better for the environment. Plant based proteins have all the same benefits when it comes to building muscles and keeping you full, in addition to protecting against cancer, reducing cholesterol, and lowering risk of heart disease. Some good sources of plant based protein include hemp seeds, quinoa, and sea vegetables (seaweed, kelp, algae).


Ensure you still balance fats and carbohydrates sensibly into your diet, and squeeze in time for exercise whenever you can. However, for those busy business owners who are constantly strapped for time, incorporating more protein into your diet can really benefit your health, weight, and ability to fight off chronic disease.  Following are some ideas to help you start a protein rich diet, particularly with high protein breakfasts, in order to wake your body up and keep you full until lunchtime.


4 Healthy Protein Based Breakfasts


1. Oats & Egg Whites

This meal might not seem rich in protein, but this protein packed breakfast is easily cooked and easily digestible. Your first meal in the morning should have carbs to get your body moving, fiber for fullness, and protein for energy. Oats contain 66 grams of carbohydrates, lots of healthy dietary fiber, and 17 grams of protein. Three egg whites contain less than 1 gram of carbohydrates but 11 grams of protein. 


2. Upma

Made out of “suji”- can be ready in a jiffy and works well as a breakfast option. You can add vegetables such as peas and carrots for extra vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and iron.


3. Brown Rice

Cook rice the night before and in the morning add a spoonful of honey and a handful of raisins, with cinnamon to taste. Or you can add vegetables such as okra, spinach, and peas. Other options also include a healthier dal. These are all high in protein and fiber rich, and will leave you full until lunch time. For other high protein grains and legumes try wheat, barley, quinoa, or chickpeas.


4. Idli

Idlis contain many vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. They can be prepared healthily with no oil or masala, which makes them a very healthy alternative. Try eating your idli with almond butter or peanut butter for extra protein instead of chutney.


If you’re finding it difficult to manage your time and see a specialist that can help you increase your protein intake, try our online nutrition programme ExecFuel. ExecFuel provides you with invaluable information, such as videos, downloadables and infographics on how to maintain a healthy routine, by eating right and performing quick and effective exercises. There is also a module dedicated to Protein! The ExecFuel programme is the non-diet approach from the comfort of your laptop or mobile 24/7.


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Karen Aroney

An accredited nutritionist, specializing in nutrition and better health for children, adults, time-poor professionals, and organizations. I use client-centric approach to enabling...