How to Create “High-Impact” Content for Your Business Blog

How to Create “High-Impact” Content for Your Business Blog


Ayesha Saini

Ayesha Saini

513 week ago — 4 min read

Most businesses now look to have a company blog section as part of their overall marketing strategy.

While it is important that your content should be meaningful and well-written, however, the challenge really is on how to write a blog that can absolutely stand out of hundreds of similar posts already online?

Well, accomplishing this task is no mean feat if you keep the following three golden rules in mind: 

  1. The overall presentation or design matters
    It is rightly said that the first impression is the last impression; which is why it is important for your content to “look” appealing.

    To start with, what first captures a customer’s interest when they click on a link is the overall look and feel of the content. To look impressive, it should be well-presented with visual flow of information including fonts, formatting, pictures etc.

    Remember, if you fail to get the presentation right, there is a high likelihood that your customers will not even bother to read your content.

  2. The content itself
    Developing content that attracts, connects and touches the reader is an art!

    If you’ve managed to get past the first hurdle of content presentation/ design, the next hurdle that comes your way is the content itself. Before putting up any content, ask yourself the following questions:

    • What is the quality of content you have generated?
    • Is it even relevant to your target audience?
    • What value will it add to your reader

To create “high impact” content, you need ensure that the information is presented in a manner that is easy to comprehend, and at the same time, is engaging. Also:

    • Take time to think of an eye-catching title and then classify it under various sub-headings, so the customer knows at a glance what the article is about and where to look for relevant information.
    • Use bullet points wherever you can.
    • Avoid arduously long paragraphs.
    • Balance your content – Too much emphasis on certain parts and lesser on other parts may make the article look lop-sided!
    • Use appropriate quotes to put across your point.

Add images that can convey your message easily – Afterall, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” So use infographics and photos and let them do the talking.

  1. Leave a lasting impact by stirring up emotions
    A good read is usually either thought provoking or emotionally evoking, and should leave one thinking long after one has finished reading the article….such should be the power of words!

    To capture the same, use day-to-day anecdotes to drive home your point. User experiences that people can relate to, so they can remember and recall what you have said.

    Play with emotions by adding humor, exhilaration, surprise or debate in your stories, as may ‘fit the bill’, as this captivates the reader to play them out in his/her imagination!

    It’s worth remembering that storytelling or content writing for blog is the best form of connecting to people! When you weave experiences into a story, your content will hit the bulls-eye!


Final Thoughts….

In the digital world, it is your content which puts you in front of people. Keeping all the afore said points will enhance the effectiveness of your content to find that the winning edge.

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Image source: Canva


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Ayesha Saini

Digital Writer and Blogger. Accidental Entrepreneur.