SEO Tips to Improve Website/Blog Traffic

SEO Tips to Improve Website/Blog Traffic

Digital & Technology

GlobalLinker Staff

GlobalLinker Staff

525 week ago — 5 min read

One of the biggest challenges a blog/website has to face is the lack of website traffic. Your website traffic can define its popularity and low visitor count only means that your website needs attention. We do agree to that fact that getting website traffic is tough but we aim to make it a little easier for you with the help of this article.


SEO is not magic but definitely works like magic. With some of the tips that we have shared below you might be able to change the way how people can find your work. Now let’s get some traffic flowing to your website, read on.


  1. Keywords
    If you want people to find you through search engines then you should be placing appropriate keywords throughout every aspect of your site. Post titles, Subheadings, Content, urls, page headers and even image names are all places or rather opportunities to place keywords on your website/blog. Think about your keywords as search terms — how would someone looking for information on this topic search for it?

    A word of caution, avoid overstuffing keywords in your blog/website. Search engines will indentify you as spam and push you down the search engine rankings. The purpose behind doing this is not just blatantly adding keywords but writing website content, headers etc intelligently to make it easy for people to find you.


  2. Submit a Sitemap
    A sitemap is a page listing that links to all other major pages on your site making it easier for search engines to crawl and search your site. You can submit your sitemap to Google Webmasters to take advantage of this awesome functionality.

  3. Internal Links
    An easy way of boosting traffic to individual pages is the integration of internal links into your website. We suggest that you make it a best practice to link back to older relevant articles more frequently. The more relevant words point to a page, the more likely that page is to appear in search results when users run a query with those terms. This is one of the best SEO strategies that you can adopt for your website. Be careful to not get into excessive linking as this might annoy your website visitors.


  4. Image descriptions
    We love images. Just look at the phenomenal success of Pinterest and Instagram. But can search engines find the images on your site? Not if they aren’t tagged. All you need to do is give a proper “title” and “alt-tag” (alternate text) which will help search engines to indentify and index your images correctly. This will definitely help in bringing traffic to your website.

  5. Be Social
    It is a no brainer that social networks are the best way to reach out to a large audience. It’s the perfect platform to share your content with your target audience. In fact we believe that you should promote most of your articles more than just once. You can share your article the day you post it and then share it again after a month to potentially reach more visitors and drive traffic to your blog. If your visitors like what they see then they are going to share it with their followers, driving more traffic to your website/blog.

  6. Get a Blog
    One of the best ways to drive traffic to your website is blogging. It allows you to update your website more frequently, which allows for better SEO results through keyword options. Writing articles relevant to your business and what others are searching for will get you ranked higher in search engine rankings, thus getting you more traffic.

  7. Search Friendly URLS
    We need to make URLs more search engine friendly by naming them with clear keywords. For example it is easy to understand what will contain, whereas it will be difficult to interpret what 11529/s301.htm will contain. You can setup how your link would look with some of the popular Content Management Systems so that you don’t have to edit it for all the posts.


None of these tips is a quick fix. They require time, effort, and persistence. But the good news is the benefits are cumulative. We suggest that you evaluate the increase in traffic by using Google Analytics and understand the impact of each of your change. This will help you better target issues or implement new changes. 

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